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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

True (Blue) Love...

They say true love is hard to find but as far as Jordans go the true blues had my heart at HELLO (remember Jerry McGuire, show me the money!!!!!!!!) I probably wear my 01 True Blue's four times a week, thats how much I love these sneakers! The last time these were released was almost 8 years ago and I remember like it was yesterday.......It was 2 weeks after my birthday and my girlfriend still hadnt got me anything which wasnt a big deal to me but she insisted on buying me a gift. So as we were strolling the mall we stopped into Finishline and sitting on the shelf was a nice crispy pair of Jordan III True Blue's. There was a light shiny down from the sky directly on them like they were the Holy Grail and every other sneaker on the shelf was just non existant! I could go on about how I broke down in tears of Joy, ran around the mall screaming I'm in LOVE, got chased by mall security on their Segway's and finally arrested for public abnoxiousness........ok so thats not true but you get the point. Anyways its official like a referee with a whistle that the True Blues will be making a return this August, however there is no exact date and price as of yet. In the meantime you can head over to MarqueeSole where they have pairs available for the early bird special price of $314.99.

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