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Monday, December 28, 2009

outLINEd in CHALK...

Do you bleed Cardinal and Gold?
Does your alarm clock play the fight song?
Do you cringe every time you see True Blue and Gold?
Do you have a tattoo of Tommy Trojan?
Do you only wear Trojan brand condoms?
Do you want to be adopted by Pete Carrol?
Would you NOT marry the Playmate of the year just because she's a Bruin?

If you answered YES to all the questions above than this is the jacket for you!!!!! If you answered YES to a couple of the questions above, this is still the jacket for you!!! Hell, I don't care if you answered NO to all the questions and attend UCLA.....this jacket is still for you!!!! I promise you the USC song girls will be on you like white on rice if you rock this bad boy to a game or campus par-tay!! Don't sleep on this gem because you (yeah I'm talking to you!) WILL regret it!

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