Who wants to be a Millionaire!?!?!? Oops wrong game, who wants to win a FREE Zubaz USA snapback!?!?! I'm of I'm not sure how much blogging (if any) I'll do this week on vacation so I thought I'd post a Caption Contest to pass the time. The rules are simple, post a caption in the comment box below (only 1 per person) and on Friday we'll pick a winner. The winner will get (1) vintage USA Zubaz snapback AND (1) vintage Magic Johnson USA jersey (sz 44 or 48). Make your caption short and sweet but don't forget to be funny........or die!!!
jordan: larry said he had good ball control, but i think i see 1 slipping out his mini shorts right now.
magic: i just pissed in that hicks water bottle
jordan: haha....wait what?
Jordan "and i thought medals were for olympians not birds!"
Magic: Bird can score all the points he wants but will never have a NCAA title like us.
I thought birds flew South not to Barcelona
Jordan: Man, Ive been dunking so HARD that my visions getting blurry!
Jordan: "after all these years i bet he still checks your box score in the morning. Bro, we've gotta get him laid."
Jordan: "Magic, please don't tell me that Larry is really on the court with mud-butt right now..."
larry has to be upsett , he shares the same number as PATRICK CHEWING .
To cement our dominance, let's try to get Larry 50 tonight... er, better yet, Chris!
Jordan: Look at em Magic, look at Lenny's head. Why his hair look like a shaved kuala?
"Yo, Earv, remember the time we replaced Larry's back with some bubble wrap?"
MIKE: Well We can Look at Larry's Face and Tell Not all white boys have little peckers.....
Jordan:Man Larrys breath smells like piss and wet taco meat. Magic:Hahaha It smelled like sewer water.
MJ: "He might look like a bird. But he'll never "Fly" like me."
Magic: Hahaha!
Tom Selleck and Lenny Wilkens get loose on Barcelona weekends.
Mike: Hey magic did you know?
Magic: Know what?
Mike: Don't you know that the Bird is the word. Bird Bird Bird the bird is the word
magic: why didnt larry sub when we did we are up by 30
jordan: he said he was to legit to quit
Getting caught watching “Mac and Me”, would haunt Larry forever.
Michael: Hey Magic, doesn't Larry look like Dave Coulier from Full House?
Announcer: Bird is dominating!
Jordan: That's what she said.
So in 1992 Michael Jordan called up Magic Johnson and asked "Hey, wanna come play poker in Barcelona for two weeks?"
"Sure, why not."
"Okay, great. But there's a catch. We have to take three hours to beat Angola by 80."
MJ: Say Uncle Earvin or Imma squeeze tighter....SAY IT!!!!
Magic: I see you let Bird borrow your shorts. Lol
Jordan: Cool, now you can borrow 1 of my championship rings and now you can feel like you caught up to me. Lol
jordan: yo' maj, you gotta check out this new gatorade i got. it gots me seeing fuzzy then a mug.
majic: aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!
Jordan: Charles is still staring at me. Magic: Why? Jordan: Because I told him that you and Larry were coming to the Bulls with me next season and he couldn't. Magic: LOL Jordan: Man he looks pissed.
Magic: Ahhhh-Hahahaha, give me skins son.
J: Hey magic, you wanna know the real reason larry made the team
M: why?
J: two words.... Affirmative Action...
Magic: Coach said, stay on your man like white on rice. Jordan: I always thought the saying was "like white on Bird"
Magic:...And there's gonna be this player who's gonna make this huge deal about his upcoming free agency and than spur his hometown to try to build his own dream team...
MJ:If that happens, we lacing them back up boy!
Jordan: "...so I asked her if she loved me and she said... "NO, but that's a really nice ski mask!"
Mj: The bird hasn't come out yet
Magic: And god knows Coach daly aint about to call a timeout
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