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Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Actually the pic is from this weekend but I never got around to posting it. The picture above is me and my identical twin brother Landlord. People get us confused all the time but we're used to it so it doesn't phase us. Back in highschool we used to switch dates occasionaly and they would never know the difference!!! I was born 2 minutes earlier so I'm the older of the two and also some people say I'm a little taller but we're basically the same height because of his flat-top. I Kid, I Kid, we're not if you couldn't tell HAHAHAHA

What I wore:
Bodega Boston New Era (support your local Bodega)
Ray-Bans (Stunna Shades)
Vintage Beastie Boys/Run DMC together forever shirt (my favorite vintage tee)
A&F denim (jeans)
2001 True Blues (cant wait for the retro)

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