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Friday, May 8, 2009

Crack is Whack...

1st pic:
Keith Haring , Crack is wack, playground mural, Harlem, Manhattan, New York, 1986
It was just seen as another act of graffiti in East Harlem and it said so on Keith Haring's $25 summons.But when then-Parks Commissioner Henry Stern heard about Haring's strong anti-drug message - "Crack Is Wack" - he asked the artist to finish the mural, setting the stage for what is now a cultural landmark in New York City.

2nd pic:
Keith Haring, Crack is wack, East Harlem, 1986
The work arose out of Haring's sadness for a friend in the throes of crack addiction.The Parks Department maintains the mural with the help of funding from the Haring Foundation. It has been defaced a few times but there is respect on the street for works of art like this.

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