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Thursday, April 9, 2009


I havent been this excited for stamps since............NEVER!! Im not a stamp collector nor am I a collector of stamps but I do love the Simpsons. The Simpsons aka the longest-running primetime comedy in television history teamed up with USPS to release new 44–cent stamps to spice up that snail mail of yours. There will be booklets of 20 with 4 different booklet covers to choose from. The stamps feature Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson and have been personally designed by series creator Matt Groening. Winner of 24 Emmy Awards, a Peabody Award and a multitude of other accolades, this historic series starring the five family members will have their stamps available on May 7th. If you cant wait that long they are avalable for pre-order on the USPS website.

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